About us

Governing Board

Daniel Randon

President Randoncorp

Sérgio L. Carvalho

CEO Randoncorp

César Augusto Ferreira

CTIO - Chief Technology & Innovation Officer Randoncorp

Daniel Ely

VP and COO Randoncorp

Executive Management

Joel Boaretto

Diretor de Ciência e Tecnologia do IHR

Technical Board

Álvaro Toubes Prata

Full Professor at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Cristina Assimakopoulos

Gerente Técnica de Parcerias e Fomento de PD&I na Vale

Prof. José E. Fiates

Director of Innovation and Competitiveness at FIESC

Prof. Nivio Ziviani

Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at UFMG

Rosana Jamal

Co-founder of Baita Aceleradora

Fiscal Council

Augusto Letti

Director of Regulation Operations and Financing Pools

Joarez Piccinini

Director of Market Intelligence and Business Strategy [Banco Randon] and Director of Institutional Relations - Randoncorp

Paulo Prignolato

Executive Vice-President and CTO Randoncorp

Code of Ethics and Policies

Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

The Hercílio Randon Institute is concerned with building an ethical organizational environment so that everyone can carry out their activities based on honesty, transparency, integrity and seriousness, and thus reaffirm their commitment to society as a whole.
The IHR Code of Ethics represents continuity in this process of evolving governance at the Institute, strengthening our values and principles for the next challenges.
When we act with the commitment to act based on the Code of Ethics and Policies, in a manner consistent with their content, IHR assumes the responsibility of taking to the responsible bodies all situations that could harm the Institute, its employees or other Institute stakeholders. For this, we have the Ethics Channel.
This channel seeks to receive internal and external demands, including anonymous ones, regarding reports of situations that do not comply with IHR ethics and guidelines.
Any suspected violation of this Code, other Institute rules or applicable legislation must be reported to the Ethics Channel of IHR members. We guarantee protection and non-retaliation for all whistleblowers, in addition to an impartial and independent investigation of the reports received.
The Ethics Channel can be accessed by telephone on 0800 777 07 68 or online via the website https://www.canalconfidencial.com.br/randoncorp/

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The Institute's Policies are the guidelines that support our daily actions and reflect our core values. They serve as guides for all aspects of IHR's work, from interactions with collaborators to partnership interactions with external stakeholders.


By making our policies available, we reinforce our commitment to transparency, ethics, responsibility and respect.

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